May 10, 2024
Frito-Lay Manufacturing Program
What We're Looking For
Right now, we’re scouting for breakthrough tech solutions that solve our manufacturing business needs as displayed below. With all submissions, we identify those with strong potential to collaborate, and we'll reach out to schedule an exploratory session.
Key program milestone:
Immersion target date: July 9th & 10th 2024
Immersion Location: Chicago
Details: Each company selected to pilot with PepsiCo will have a functional business owner and will be supported by the PepLabs team
Briefing Pack:
For a full deep-dive into our focus areas, please find our briefing pack:
Application process:
Please apply through this link, please select the Program of Manufacturing and select the focus area. Please also ensure to enter as much information as possible to ensure your application is successful: Apply Now
We look forward to welcoming you in this next cycle of pilot programs!